Today has been my favorite holiday since I was 5.  That year, I was skipped into 1st grade the week before Valentine’s Day.  My new teacher had stapled big red hearts across the bulletin board, each one bearing our names.  I didn’t know any of my classmates yet and they didn’t know me.  However, I felt very important because my name was put up right alongside theirs!

All week long, the kids slipped Valentines and chocolate treats into each other’s Valentines. Day by day I watched those paper Valentines get fatter and fatter.  I was SO excited I could hardly wait to take mine down to see what was inside!  Finally, the day came.  The teacher took all the big Valentines down and put ours on our desk.  All around me, my classmates were pulling out lollipops, sweet tarts, chocolates, and Valentine cards! 

I reached into mine.  There was only one, single, Valentine from my teacher along with a Hershey’s kiss but I was thrilled.  How did she know that was my very, favorite candy?  I ate it while walking home after school with a big smile on my face.  My very first Valentine was in my pocket and my very favorite chocolate was in my mouth.  It doesn’t get better than that. 

Now I imagine in this politically correct world nowadays such a thing would never happen. But I wonder if it didn’t teach me that if I want to get a valentine I need to make one.  In the years since I’ve made certain to always tell/show someone new that I love them. I learned all those years ago that one, little act of kindness goes a VERY long way.  So, Happy Valentine’s Day dear readers!!  May your coffee have a little love on top and may it keep you warm inside.

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